I'd been looking for an Art folder pattern/tutorial but hadn't been able to find what I was after. I wanted the folder to hold an A4 art diary as well as have pockets for 12 coloured pencils, a lead pencil and somewhere for an eraser and sharpener.....it seems I'm too fussy so I had to come up with my own design.
This is the result
The outside has a plastic covering - not sure that you can tell in the photo.
I'm very happy with how it turned out and can't wait to give it to my little niece for Christmas!
When I make my next one I'll change the strip on the front to white and applique the recipients name onto it to make it a little bit extra special.... I didn't want to go to the bother first time around in case it all ended up in the bin (it has been known to happen).
I've already written the tutorial....and would love for someone to attempt making one using my instructions before I post it on my blog. I'm not overly confident in my abilities when it comes to written instructions and any feedback/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you'd like to give it a go!
** Note: My instructions are written with the assumption that you already have a reasonable amount of sewing skill and that you are capable using a zipper foot on your machine, binding with mitred corners etc.
Until next time...