I've been making scrolls a lot lately..... they've been such a hit at home with the kids as well as with the bigger kids at mine and my hubby's workplaces and they're so easy to make:
Dough Ingredients
300 ml Water
2 tbsp Olive Oil
1 tsp Salt
2 tsp Sugar
600g pack bread flour and 1.5tsp yeast
Tomato Paste or Pizza Sauce
2 rashes Bacon (rind removed and chopped)
Fresh Basil
Grated Cheese
(or whatever takes your fancy)
I cheat and throw all my ingredients in my bread machine on the dough setting, but if you don't have one you could make your dough the old fashioned way..... I'm sure you're all much more clever than and I am!
Once the dough is ready I spread it out on a board and top with tomato paste or pizza sauce, chopped bacon, fresh basil and cheese so that it looks like this:

Roll it up and pinch dough closed
Cut into roughly 2cm slices and spread out on a greased and floured baking tray
Bake at 180 degrees C for about 30 mins
Serve hot or cold.....Yummo!
Makes about 15