Sunday, November 27, 2011

This and That

I have managed to fit in a little sewing lately but unfortunately nothing I can share as yet..... I've finished my SSCS pressie, also a pressie for my Sister's birthday on Thursday and both are now making their way to their destinations!
I wonder where this parcel is going.......??????
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it along to Club Quilt today as I've been busy baking for a Birthday Morning Tea that I'm providing at work tomorrow and I've also been working on another project that I need to get finished asap......isn't the fabric gorgeous and bright? It was chosen by Miss 12.
Hopefully I'll have some more show and tell for you shortly!


  1. lots of secret stuff happening all over blog land... that fabric is stunning...

  2. lovely SSCS parcel all wrapped up..........

  3. Very pretty, look forward to the outcome.
    Cheers Nic

  4. such lovely looking parcels

  5. Well I know where the pressie's were going, they were making there way to Tucson AZ and have arrived! Thank You! Boy was I lucky I received two ornaments, and some chocolate - yummy!


Thanks so much for your comments...... It's nice to know i'm not just talking to myself!